In the Fall of 2012, a small group of community activists in the Middletown, Odessa and Townsend (MOT) area set out to organize, energize and galvanize their fellow citizens surrounding social jusice.
This group, led by David B. Rich, Scott Saunders and the late Roosevelt C. Nichols began calling for community meetings which were designed to put together the framework what would become the first M.O.T. NAACP Branch.
Understanding the importance of commitment, dedication and sacrifice of those who led the Civil Rights Movement, the M.O.T.group has pushed forward placing the emphasis on "Remembering the Dream". On February 16, 2013, proud citizens were officially sanctioned and chartered by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and officially became the M.O.T. NAACP Branch Unit #21-AB.
Since our inception, the M.O.T. NAACP branch has chartered a separate Youth Council and partnered with the Middletown Community Advisory Board. We participated in the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and Black Lives Matter marches. The branch has hosted Delaware History Presentations for Black History Month, candidate forums, law enforcement and mental health panels. We have supported and led in-person and virtual HBCU tours, blood drives, food drives. Finally, we provided the community with a place for the community concerns to be addressed and a voice to advocate on their behalf.
Past Presidents
- David B. Rich
- Edna Cale
- Wanda Dean
- Bishop Jeffery Broughton
- Scott Saunders
- Michael Harpe
- Ernest Hargett
- Terrell Williams