*A small convenience fee applies*
Complete the PDF form and submit your membership along with your check. You may also email the form to us now at motnaacpchapter@gmail.com and send your check within 5 days.
Membership in the M.O.T. Branch automatically affords membership in the Delaware State NAACP and the National NAACP, thus receiving the representation and benefits at the local, state and national levels.
Memberships are available for both adults and youth (through college) and may be renewed on an annual basis. Lifetime memberships are also affordable as payments are spread over time.
Memberships may be gifted or sponsored, starting at birth.
You may join for each member of your family. Complete a membership form for each by clicking on the PDF document icon above, or online through the National NAACP website.
Join online via National click hereIf you want to join online via the National NAACP website, PLEASE make sure you indicate that your membership request is for the Middletown Odessa Townsend BRANCH #21AB-B. The M.O.T. YOUTH COUNCIL number is #27AF. Please be aware that your membership may take longer to process, including the Branch receiving your information and the local dues portion.
You may transfer an existing or lapsed membership to either the M.O.T.Branch or M.O.T.Youth Council. Complete and print the transfer form here and send it to National. You should provide your membership number if you have it.